
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bird flu moves further east to Sidoarjo, East Java

SIDOARJO - Cases of bird flu lately been horrendous attack Sidoarjo East Java. 
Outbreaks of H5N1 virus was detected yesterday at Tamarind Village, District Sidoarjo.
Officer sprayed poultry coop owned Patience
Malicious virus attacked poultry and poultry owned by Sabar, 32. Patience a day-to-day complaints that raise chickens for yesterday afternoon was shocked when he saw a dead chicken. It is the seventh event this month.
One by one cock belongs Patient died without knowing why. '' In fact, every day I always love to eat and also cleaned the cage regularly,'' he said.
At first, he thought the chickens died due to illness usual. However, when examined, turns out there was something odd about the death of the chicken. Finally, Patience saw the dead body of blue chickens. Comb is also blue.
'' In fact, the day sebe lumnya no signs of pain,'' he said. Among a total of 20 chickens owned by Patience, now left 13 tail.
One of a chicken also indicated the virus. Many wounds in the skin of the chicken.When walking, the chicken looked limp. Patient admitted fear of the plague attacked again. Because of this, he immediately separated from the chicken coop measuring 3 x 4 meters.