
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ducks and Chickens and Quails, Oh My!!!

Ducks and Chickens and Quails are dyeing in large numbers.  This strain of bird flu does not discriminate. With it's ever widening spread in Java, people are getting very nervous.  With so many birds dyeing, people are getting reckless with disposal activities.  Birds are being burned, buried, dumped into streams, sold on the market and fed to the catfish.  Some areas are running out of tamiflu as more  cullers and villagers are working their magic.
This outbreak in Indonesia is about to become unpresidented, as it was back when bird flu first struck that area.  Though many officials deny that it is H5N1 by distracting the people with words like cholera, new castle disease and change of seasons this new strain is devastating all available poultry.
Their recklessness and lack of preventative precautions will soon lead to numerous human cases.  The international community needs to become immediately involved.
I could go on all day counting the thousands of dead birds for you but you can find these stories for yourself.  I still think the grand total is over 500,000 at least.  This outbreak will continue to spread in the forseeable future.
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