
Friday, December 14, 2012

Government Flu Threat Alert Ducks

Coordination performed to see outbreaks of the disease.

Friday, December 14, 2012, 23:08
 duck flu cases being endemic in Indonesia urged the government to immediately coordinate with the National Zoonosis Zoonosis is a disease transmitted from birds to humans.
"Coordination is done to see outbreaks of the disease," said Vice Minister of Commerce, Krisnamurthi, in his office, Jakarta, Friday, December 14, 2012.
He said the Ministry of Commerce will coordinate with the commission headed by Deputy Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare. 
Coordination of the same, Bayu added, also conducted by the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Ministry of Livestock with FAO and WHO, to see a picture of the spread of flu that attacked ducks ducks in Indonesia.
"The Ministry of Commerce will conduct trading surveillance duck, duck restrict trade, even trade ban duck," he said.
Duck flu cases sticking to the media since the discovery of hundreds of ducks that died suddenly in the Jepara, Central Java, in December this year. Then, the local government encourages derah duck farmers to remain vigilant and wash hands after contact with pet birds.
However, Bayu admitted that for now, there is no human flu ducks. "No one got the flu ducks. Unlike bird flu has killed 150 people in five years," said Bayu.
Solo bird flu alert
Meanwhile, the government is increasingly aware of the threat Solo spread of avian influenza or bird flu. This is due to some areas that are around Solo from bird flu.
"We've done spraying disinfectant to a poultry market in Solo. This was done to anticipate the spread of bird flu virus," said the Head of the Department of Agriculture Solo, Ekayanti Weny to headline on Friday.
Spraying has been done regularly in recent weeks. In fact, in every market poultry deployed officers to monitor conditions contained in the poultry market. "In the poultry markets no supervisor on duty," he said.
Although no findings poultry bird flu, according to him, the spread of bird flu occurred in the transition seasons, the transition from the dry to the wet. "Hence, the present condition is alert to the threat of bird flu," said Weny.
Additionally, Weny claimed to have received a circular from the Central Java Provincial Government to do to prevent the spread of bird flu virus. Furthermore, circular disseminated in a number of districts in Solo. 
"The letter asking for disinfecting and vaccinating birds," he explained.