
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Still Endemic Areas, Java Target Free 2019 Bird Flu

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Department of Animal Husbandry (Disnak) East Java (East Java) recognized a new endemic region despite bird flu disappeared in 2011

Head of Animal Health Disnak Java, DVM. Emmylia confirms resurgence of bird flu cases refocused the target Java free from bird flu in 2019. "The emergence of bird flu cases, re-create the 2019 target Java Disnak free of bird flu," he told Reuters on Wednesday (12/12). Desire, recognition is not without foundation. 
According to him, the experience of East Java in the handling of bird flu since 2006 and 2010 have made ​​Java a more integrated treatment unit. At Disnak, he explained, a task force of PDSR (Participatory Disease Surveillance Responsive) has worked quite well in the case of poultry deaths at breeders.
 PDSR officers has also increased the participation of all stakeholders including concerned citizens to report when there is a finding of bird flu cases. 

in medical treatment, Dr RS. Soetomo has a special integrated program of medical treatment of bird flu. According to the Vice Chairman of the team physician Dr RS bird flu. Soetomo, dr. Laksmi Wulandari, 

Dr RS. Soetomo already have a clear standard operating procedure in handling cases of bird flu so it makes handling patients faster. "All SOPs were already running starting from the initial installation of Ambulatory Emergency in isolation until doctors specialized handling of bird flu," he explained. drugs such as Tamiflu has also been prepared by a considerable amount, to anticipate the emergence of new suspected patients.