
Monday, February 11, 2013

ATTACK AI: AI virus in Sragen Potentially Contagious to Humans

February 11, 2013
 - Center for Veterinary (BBVet) Wates expressed avian influenza (AI / AI) which attacked thousands of ducks in Sragen fall into the category of influenza virus type A. Virus stretcher can cause illness in humans and many other animal species.
It was mentioned by staff Pathology BBVet, Budi Waluyo Priyono, after an infected duck carcass sampling of AI virus in Hamlet Karangjati, Pelemgadung Village, District Karangmalang, Monday (11/02/2013). He suggested that farmers and residents wary of AI virus transmission to humans.
"Ducks or other birds are dying should not be slaughtered and then consumed. The process of slaughtering AI risk of transmitting the virus. When caring for ducks, farmers should wear a mask or footwear. After caring, hands and feet should be washed with soap, "he told reporters.
He continued, since the beginning of the year until the case of the death of thousands of ducks in Sragen, there are no reports of suspect bird flu in Central Java. Meanwhile, to break the chain of distribution of AI virus in Sragen, BBVet suggest vaccination of ducks infected. Ensure all owned by breeder ducks infected with AI virus, are now infected with the virus. However, vaccination can only be done after all itikbenar completely healed.
"AI virus vaccine specifically ducks are still being studied and can only be distributed approximately one to two months. In the meantime, farmers should be routinely sprayed disinfectant on cages of ducks and area duck sekitarnya.Peneguhan status cause of death is still awaiting the results of laboratory tests, "added Waluyo.
Monday afternoon, the death of ducks in the village Pelemgadung increases. According to the Head of Animal Observation Penyalit, Wiratri Umi, a total of 50 ducks died since Monday morning until Monday afternoon. The duck is wholly Sariman, resident citizens of RT 006, Hamlet Karangjati.