
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Governor Qunfudah: the dismissal of the Director of Health and common speech Al Houeiss I do not care

He's "already": Twitter and aircraft transporting patients .. put a huge Corona

Governor Qunfudah: the dismissal of the Director of Health and common speech Al Houeiss I do not care

Mohammed Houdad - already - Jeddah confirmed unpack Buqami governor Qunfudah that cases of Corona in the province did not exceed 4 cases only, was transferred to the hospital Jeddah to complete the treatment, surprising the panic that spread through the means of social communication, pointing out that the arrival of two rushed the injured may be his role in the spread of rumors among the people of the province, denying rumors of the dismissal of the Director of Health Affairs in the county.
He Buqami in a statement the "already": Today I visited the hospital Qunfudah and made sure all the procedures which according to plan therapeutic developed by the ministry, has not been a documented case today, with the exception of one case, suspicion and being taken too with it. "
Continued: Prince Mishaal bin Abdullah, Governor of Mecca acquainted with the health situation accurately, and the face of intensifying health actions, and the Ministry of Health has kindly turn necessary and entrusted with.
And on what frequency of claim hospital some of the injured isolation in their homes said: What happened to Health Affairs asked some contacts for people to stay in their homes safe side until he graduated results their examinations and make sure their injuries or not, they all did not show no symptoms of the disease, but the desire of the medical teams to take caution.
The governor refused to talk about the speech Qunfudah head notaries Qunfudah Sheikh Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al Houeiss, directed to the Emir of the region and the Minister of Health requesting the treatment of Arthritis Qunfudah, and said: This is the speech I do not care and will not comment on it.
Buqami denied rumors of the dismissal of the Director of Health Affairs Balguenvzh, he said, takes us back not anything official yet from the concerned authority